Dreki Dansari is the student troupe of Hjordís . It consists of some fabulous women scattered around the area that work hard each week when we meet for dance classes. This group has been together since October 2016, adding some new members along the way.
Currently there are 8 members: Hjordís, Ashley, Jess, Julie, Laura, Leanne, and Raina.
June 13, 2020, Delhi Dance Recital, Delhi, NY
June 15, 2019, Delhi Dance Recital, Delhi, NY
June 9, 2018 Delhi Dance Recital, Delhi, NY
June 2, 2017 Summer Heat Hafla, Charlton, NY
June 11, 2017 Delhi Dance Recital, Delhi, NY
October 27, 2017 Halloween Show, Saratoga Springs, NY